Sparking Cable

RKO jak prawdziwe

Ćwiczenia wykonywane na manekinie z biustem bądź częściowo na naszej pozorantce/pozorancie toples.
Exercise to break harmful stereotypes because of which society is afraid to undertake CPR on women . The consequence is that women are helped 19% less often than men. We want to fight this trend and show CPR as an asexual activity equally for men and women.
Manikins with sensors

An artificial human body with sensors to measure the depth and frequency of chest compressions while helping.
Artificial lungs make it possible to assess the quality of making blows with mouth-to-mouth technique.
They come in 3 sizes: adult, child and infant.
- Adult after cardiac arrest
- Person after drowning
- Pregnant woman without vital functions
- Non-breathing child or infant
- Choking infant
Artificial injuries

Dressing exercises should be performed on a physical object, not in the imagination of the trainee. With us, this is made possible by rubber trauma models. After putting them on an arm or leg, the participant simulates the injury, and others can practice dressing it.
Artificial injuries can be divided into several categories:
- wounds
- fractures
- burns
- wounds with a foreign body
- intestinal evisceration
- emphysema
- emphysema
FAST Vests

Vests for safe teaching of expectoration. After putting the vest on the posse, airway decongestion maneuvers are performed on it. This is accompanied by the spectacular firing of an object from the vest, known as a fritz.
First aid kits

A well-equipped first aid kit is a “must have” for people serious about safety. In our classes, it's a supply of gas, bandages and more specialized equipment that participants use during exercises.
First aid kit equipment:
- gauzes
- bandages (elastic and rigid)
- triangular slings
- swabs
- tourniquet
– epi-pen
- splint splints
- gloves
- bandage tape
- scissors
- masks for artificial respiration
EpiPen training auto-injector

A training epinephrine autoinjector that is identical in use to the clinical EPI-PEN. A tool for mastering the administration of epinephrine in life-threatening emergencies.
Life-threatening allergic reactions after insect bites or ingestion of allergens.

Universal training automatic defibrillators. Increasingly, their clinical counterparts are available in public places and companies. Our exercises allow you to familiarize yourself with the operation of a tool for restoring vital functions such as an AED.
There are scenarios with classic AED use
as well as a faulty battery, lack of electrode adhesion, etc.

Stasis is a tool increasingly used in First Aid to quickly stop bleeding. The stasis is very effective, as well as carrying risks, so it is essential to undergo training to master its correct use.
Do not use on neck hemorrhages!
First Aid Books

Booklets received by our students. Pocket vademecum of First Aid to make the knowledge stay longer.
Burning stuntman

A stuntman in a protective costume sets fire to a piece of clothing on himself, which bursts into flames and needs to be extinguished. The instructor demonstrates the most effective methods of extinguishing people, such as.
using fire blankets, and then demonstrates the dressing of burns.
Safety Day
Burning electrical box

Simulator of a burning electrical system with fire extinguishers. The trainer imitates the flame and smoke in the device and responds to the firefighting techniques used during the simulation and verifies their correctness. The kit leaves no residue after use, so it can be safely used in any training room after securing the smoke detectors for the duration of the class.
When a computer, printer or other office equipment catches fire, the seconds of reaction of those present determine whether it will end in mild stress or a building fire. With the help of our burning electronics simulator, participants will be able to practice the skill of using a fire extinguisher again and again.
Hemorrhage systems

Attached to the artificial wound is our proprietary remote-controlled hemorrhage system, which supplies blood to the injury. This guarantees a continuous, intense blood flow, which creates a realistic effect. Our actor will play the role of the injured person.
It is possible to involve a disabled posse, which uniquely enhances the perception of the situation.
An accident at work leads to damage to the carotid artery or loss/damage to a limb. The tool that led to the mishap may be, for example, a power saw.
Hemorrhage simulator

The simulator allows you to master the skill of taming blood flow based on an artificial bleeding limb. Exercises can be carried out neatly and realistically even in an office setting.
One of the most dangerous life-threatening situations is hemorrhage. It can deprive a victim of circulation in a matter of seconds. It is therefore crucial to efficiently control the bleeding with:
- Emergency compression.
- A compression bandage.
- Tourniquet.
Practical exercises on our simulator are a rare opportunity to master the skills of effective hemorrhage control.
Characterizations of injuries

Characterized actors bring realistically played emotions of suffering, sadness and anger to the training. This helps train participants to communicate properly and familiarize them with the behavior of the injured and the sight of injuries. Characterization makes it possible to catch mistakes that would be uncorrectable when “imagining” an injury. Each actor, at the same time, is a lifeguard who will provide instruction to the exercisers, if necessary.
Our company is known for using characterizations with high standards of safety and realism. Our make-ups bleed, and the artificial limbs have hair, nails and human-like tissue.
All this to confront practitioners with the challenges of real accidents and prepare them for the stresses involved. Those participating in the classes become accustomed to the sight of injuries. This form makes it possible to catch mistakes, invisible in classes without characterization. In addition, by playing the role of rescuers and rescuing together, trainees learn to cooperate and integrate in teams.
We tailor the injuries to the client's business profile enriching it with special effects. Our proprietary characterizations and simulators are unique, extremely realistic and impossible to buy in any store.
- Amputations
- Wounds
- Infected wounds
- Wounds with a foreign body
- Bites
- Muscle, bone and joint injuries
- Injuries to the nose and jaw
- Eye injuries
- Abdominal injuries
- Chest injuries
- Burns/frostbite
Actors and stuntmen

Our actors and stuntmen are people who, for rescue purposes, can impersonate the injured. The roles of the posse sometimes even hook into stunts, hence the knowledge of health and safety of the posse's work is also essential.
Actors bring realistically played emotions of suffering, sadness and anger to the training. This helps train the participants to communicate properly and tame them to the behavior of the injured. Each actor is also a rescuer who corrects the practitioner's mistakes. Our simulators are people with experience, trained in disaster psychology, acting and rescue. The combination of these three specialties makes the play of the simulants consistent with the behavior of real victims, which better prepares the trainees to deal with often critical situations. The posers are characterized by different body builds. For the purposes of the exercises, we also employ people with disabilities, such as missing an upper limb or fingers.
Hanging exercise

Our stuntman is suspended from a tree, for example, in an invisible harness in a secure neck loop. During the exercise, we teach how to pull down the hanged man in the correct way and how to use a special rescue knife.
The exercise begins with negotiating with the suicide. If the hanged man fails and does the deed, we move on to practicing techniques for safely cutting him off and bringing him to the ground.
Smoke chamber

A maze filled with smoke and obstacles, with escape boards showing the way. Sometimes there will also be an injured person inside. Implementation in a special tent or in a room provided by the client.
The participants will be tasked with such actions as evacuation of the injured, auto-rescue techniques in a panicked crowd. Exercises in it counteract evacuation errors.